Three RCS Career Pathway Offerings Earn State Recognition


Rutherford County Schools

A trio of pathways in four Rutherford County schools — veterinary and animal science at Eagleville, dietetics and nutrition at Riverdale High and teaching as a profession at both Oakland and Smyrna high schools — have earned the Tennessee Pathways Certification.

The certification was launched by Tennessee Department of Education in 2019 in a partnership with the Tennessee Board of Regents.

“The Tennessee Pathways Certification sets clear expectations for alignment, advisement and partnerships that define strong education-to-career pathways,” according to a release from the Tennessee Department of Education. “Beyond establishing standards for program quality and design, the certification elevates and celebrates innovative and exemplary pathways in the state.”

Tyra Pilgrim, coordinator for career and technical education with Rutherford County Schools said, “This is great and anytime our programs can be featured it’s marketing, it’s awareness, it’s getting kids interested in the career and technical education fields.”

She added: “CTE focuses on problem-solving, teamwork and 21st century skills.”

In addition to these four pathways, nine others were previously recognized bring Rutherford County’s total to 13.

The certification recognizes each pathway as a program spanning all four years of high school, industry certifications and dual enrollment during high school so that in college the students can pursue the career of study.

This recognition allows the district to apply for grants from Tennessee Pathways.

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