Ladies: How to Determine if You Should Purchase a Gun?


By Heather Listhartke

In 2009, only 13% of people who owned a gun were women, but more recently that number has risen to roughly 25% of gun owners. The question about whether or not to own a gun can be a hard decision to make. More and more women are saying that they do want them not only for the potential safety that it offers, but for the confidence boost they found from shooting a gun.

So, do you want a gun?
If you answered yes, the question then becomes why do you want one. Some answer with a very emotional outlook, but have little knowledge of a gun, how to use them. It’s important if you are going to have a gun to know how to use it and keep it from being used against you. The first step is to sign-up for handgun classes, taught by professionals.

If you answered no, the question is why do you not want one. Are you afraid of them? Or are you indifferent to them? These are important questions to ask yourself. It might also be the opportunity to find a trusted friend to either take you shooting or to go with you to a gun permit class. There’s several benefits from doing this. First, you’ll be taking an important step to facing the fear of guns which might make you do illogical things if faced with one. Second, by using one, you should feel more confident about them.

Seventy percent of attacks on women are by strangers. This isn’t a statistic meant to instill fear or worry, but instead as a way to begin thinking about whether you feel you should know or do more to protect yourself. If you do not want to own a gun, other self-defense techniques and products can help you feel safe.

This article is brought to you by Nashville Armory, which features climate controlled pistol and rifle rated bays and a training center offering a wide variety of classes for any skill level lead by certified instructors. Visit for more.

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