United Way In Need of Items for Community Baby Shower

community baby shower rutherford county
Photo courtesy of United Way of Rutherford & Cannon Counties

United Way of Rutherford & Cannon Counties (UWRCC) announces the Community Baby Shower Sort-a-Thon event presented by Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford on February 17th at Patterson Park Community Center.

The Community Baby Shower Sort-a-Thon provides basic baby items for 500 moms and newborns in our local community. As a part of the Bold Goal Initiative to increase Early Childhood Development, the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties works to give moms and newborns a healthy start.

“It really warms your heart to see local businesses, civic organizations, and community members come together to collect baby items and sort them into bags to be given to new moms who may not have access to these basic needs for their newborns,” said Kara Carpenter, Director of Engagement and Volunteerism for United Way of Rutherford & Cannon Counties.

Their 2023 goal is to collect 15,000 diapers, 1,000 packages of wipes, 500 blankets, 500 bottles, and 500 onesies. All items will be sorted, packed, and distributed to the following local organizations: Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford, Nurses for Newborns, Rutherford County Health Department, Portico, Stonecrest, Holloway High School, Smyrna High School, Nurture the Next, Safe Baby Court, and Cannon County Health Department.

The Community Baby Shower Sort-a-Thon is powered by numerous volunteers. All volunteer slots have been filled for this year’s event.

For anyone interested in participating in the Community Baby Shower Sort-a-Thon, United Way is currently collecting the following new baby items for ages newborn through 6 months:

  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Blankets
  • Bottles
  • Onesies

For convenience, several local businesses throughout the community have volunteered to be designated collection sites. Baby items can be dropped off at any collection site through February 14th.

Please visit our website for more information or a list of collection sites. https://www.yourlocaluw.org/communitybabyshower

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