OBITUARY: James E. Burke Jr.


James E. Burke Jr’s journey on this earth lasted 87 good years. He passed away on Jan. 21, 2025, after a lengthy illness, with his wife, Edna Carter, at his side.

Jim was born in Kansas City, MO. on Nov. 21, 1937, the son of Jeanne McGuirk and James E. Burke, Sr. His Sister is Suzanne Noonan, and his brother is John Burke. His brother, Michael Burke, is deceased.

Jim was a soldier, a scholar, a father, and a world-traveler. He had a host of life-long friends. If he sensed a need in others, he was quick to say, “How can I help you?” His Christian faith was central in his life, and it sustained him until the end.

His children are Bruce (Kym Fischler), James III, and Heather (Simon Stillwell). Their mother is Gretchen Heim of State College, PA. His grandchildren are Callie Krispin and Ryan Burke. His great-grandchildren are Jack and Julia Krispin and Vivian and Amy James Burke.

Jim was a veteran of the U.S. Army and attended the U.S. Military Academy. His education included the University of Colorado and MIT where he earned the BS and MS degrees in civil engineering. Jim had an amazing ability to acquire languages. He spoke fluent Spanish and Russian and could converse in Japanese and French. Jim had a long, varied career and after retirement in 2006, he continued to study as a “lifelong learner”. He will be sorely missed by all those who loved him. Rest in Peace, Dear One.

Woodfin Memorial Chapel is in charge of cremation arrangements


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