4 Ways To Avoid Workout Injuries


Exercising is one of the best things you can do for your health. Working out can help you lose weight, give you more energy, and help fight off illnesses and disease. With the benefits of exercise also comes the possibility of injury. There are steps you can take to lessen the likelihood of injury while working. Here are 4 ways to help you avoid injuries while working out:

Wear the Right Clothing

Having the appropriate attire can lessen your likelihood of injury. Make sure that you are wearing the correct shoes before you begin working out. If your shoes are too worn out or the wrong size, you may be more likely to trip or damage your muscles due to the lack of support.

Warming up

Warming up before beginning a routine is one of the best ways to help prevent injury while working out. Kristi Ensminger, manager of Franklin Athletic Club, says, “I’ve seen firsthand the necessity of warming up before a workout when it comes to injury prevention and overall performance.” A proper warm up allows you to get your blood flowing and helps you prepare your body for the workout.

Don’t Overwork Your Body

Listening to your body during a workout is very important when trying to avoid injury. If you overwork your body, your form may suffer and you will be more likely to get hurt. Do not hesitate to take breaks if you feel like you are pushing your body past its limit. Listen to any signals that your body may need to rest like painful muscles or uncomfortable breathing.

Stretching and Cooling Down

When you stretch after a workout, you allow your muscles time to slowly cool down after a hard workout. It is crucial to give your body the opportunity to cool down before you carry on with your day. Cool downs are a great way to ensure that you have not injured your body during a workout and also have other benefits as well. Ensminger says, “A cool-down after a workout can help a lot with soreness and muscle recovery.”

About the Franklin/Murfreesboro/Nashville Athletic Clubs
Your full-service hometown health clubs where everybody fits in! Each Club offers a wide range of state of the art equipment, programs, and services to keep you motivated and enable you to reach your personal health and fitness goals.

Franklin Athletic Club            Murfreesboro Athletic Club                   Nashville Athletic Club
112 Rand Place, Franklin        710 Memorial Blvd, Murfreesboro     5035 Harding Place, Nashville


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