3 Things to Expect from a Handgun Permit Class


By Heather Listhartke

Over the years, handgun permit classes have become increasingly popular, attracting people of all ages. While many people know exactly what they are getting into when they go to a class like this, some have no idea what to expect and are often perhaps a little fearful or intimidated. The handgun permit class is for exactly this person so that they feel more comfortable. A great local option is Nashville Armory, who have certified instructors teaching classes for people of all skill levels and backgrounds. Here are 3 things you can expect from the handgun permit class at Nashville Armory.

Expect it to take a little time
Like anything worth taking, the class takes a little time and planning. The class is typically three hours, split up into three sections, The class begins with an hour of classroom instruction. Once the classroom instruction is done you then get to start handling a gun. The first 30 minutes of this time is with a fake gun where you are trained to shoot properly. The second part of the time, you have a couple options of what to shoot with at the shooting range: you can either shoot with your own gun or you can use a class issued .22 mm automatic handgun. You are given 45 minutes to shoot 50 rounds at a target with short breaks and a quick briefing at the end where everyone is scored for accuracy.

Expect a serious but fun and diverse atmosphere
Many of the people who teach these classes are people who are familiar with handling any type of gun whether they were former police officers or retired military (some are even both). Initially meeting with them may seem a little intimidating, but the instructors honestly just want to teach you the safety ins and outs of handling a gun. They’ve often been doing these classes for years and know how to make them interesting, fun, and break down the fear that a lot of people may have when it comes to handling a gun. Also, expect to see a variety of people taking the class, but mostly you’ll see couples and women.

Expect to learn a lot of new stuff
This is likely a given. You’ll end up learning everything you need to know about how to hold a gun, how to shoot at a range, how to store and clean a gun, and even how to be confident and secure when carrying them. There are a lot of gun safety tips that you will learn and be able to review whenever you need them as well as.

Learning how to shoot a gun doesn’t have to be intimidating, it can be interesting and engaging while you learn how to be confident and safe around them.

Visit nashvillearmory.com for more and click here to learn about their classes.

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