OBITUARY: Ivan Andrew “Andy” Hunter Jr.

Andrew Hunter Jr. Obit

The story of Ivan “Andy” Andrew Hunter Jr. reached its final page on January 30th, 2025 at the age of 54 in Nashville, Tennessee.

He was preceded in death by his Grandparents, Paul & Rose Lovell, Duane & JoEllen Shamburg, his uncle Paul Lovell, his brother Derek Hunter, and sister-in-law Laura Hunter.

He is survived by his children; Steven, Kayla, Chesney, and Delainey Hunter; his grandson, Khene Hunter; his mother, Teresa Tillery; his father, Ivan Hunter Sr.; his siblings, Craig Hunter, Katherine (Pablo) Vazquez, Jennifer (Anthony) Garcia, Ashley Tillery, Amanda Hunter, Kelly (Harold) Grayson, Joseph Hunter; uncles, Tracy Shamburg, David (Andrea) Shamburg; Aunts, Rose Wilson, Vicky Earhart, Chicky Conklin; many nieces and nephews.

If you’re thinking about the term “life of the party”, you have to be thinking about Andy. Always the rowdiest in the room, it couldn’t be a party without him. But the spotlight wasn’t the only light he enjoyed; he also loved the glow of a bonfire and the twinkle of a Christmas tree. Where there was a plug, there was always a light.

Kicking back and listening to some good country music was his favorite past-time. When he wasn’t doing that, you could find him tinkering with his trucks. He would want you to know that he was a Chevy guy (proof in the tattoo).

A man of many skills, he was an HVAC installer/technician, electrician, mechanic, and self-proclaimed genius. He enjoyed fixing the broken and always had a creative solution for anything, whether conventional or not. Duck-tape and zip ties were his best friends.

Andy was a proud and loving father/grandfather and a thoughtful person. He loved his girls and grandson more than anything, and you could always count on a tinfoil wrapped plate of leftovers if you couldn’t make it to the party.

Try a million times, you couldn’t replace him. His light shone so brightly, it will forever be missed.

“But my whole career, I have done things my way and the way that I wanted.” – Hank Williams Jr.

This obituary was published by Smith Family Funeral & Cremation Services LLC.

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