What to Do if You Experience a Power Outage


Do you know what to do during a power outage?

Read the information below to know what to do if you experience an unexpected power outage. It is recommended to print this page and keep it in a safe place in case of unexpected outages.

Power Outage Due to Severe Weather

Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) can detect most issues within minutes. After a storm or other incident that causes power outages, MTE can pinpoint transmission lines, substations and major distribution circuits that have been damaged.

You can also report an outage to MTE by doing one of these things:

  • myMTEMC Mobile App & Web Portal
  • MTE’s automated outage line at 877-777-9111
  • MTE’s 24/7 live support line at 877-777-9020

Wondering if there are power outages near you? Click here for Rutherford County Power Outage Map.

How Power is Restored

MTE crews work around the clock until all members have power. MTE follows a three-step process recognized as an industry best practice. Hospitals, police departments, fire stations, and other public health and safety facilities are priority one.

Step 1 – Repairs are made at substations and on the main distribution lines that come out of the substations.
Step 2 – Crews fix damage to tap lines that branch off from these main lines.
Step 3 – Power is restored to pockets of members and then to individual homes.

If your lights go off suddenly, there are two possible causes:

  1. Your main fuse is blown or a circuit breaker in your box has opened.
  2. There is a problem on Middle Tennessee Electric’s lines.

First, try to determine if the problem is in your house or on the lines. If the neighbors’ lights or street or security lights are still on, check your main switch panel.

If you have circuit breakers:

  1. Flip the main breaker handle to the OFF position, then back ON.
  2. If none of your lights or appliances work, call MTEMC at 1-877-777-9111.
  3. If only part of your lights are off, check branch circuit breakers by switching them OFF, then ON. Some breakers have to be pushed very hard to re-activate.

If you have fuses:

  1. Buy and keep on hand replacement fuses of the proper sizes for main and branch circuits.
  2. Pull out the main fuse block and replace and then try them one at a time. You generally cannot tell if a cartridge fuse is blown simply by looking at it.

If you are satisfied the trouble is not in your house, call 1-877-777-9111. If you observe flashes along the line, trees down in the wires, wrecks, etc., please report these to help get power back on faster.

If you cannot get a phone call through because the line stays busy, try every 30 minutes. It may be that the cause of your trouble is different from others, and it’s important we know YOU are out of service.

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