Connect with an Internet Service Provider Dedicated to Giving Back


United is more than just a name to United Communications – it represents the unity of this local internet service provider with the surrounding community. With leadership and employees living and working in the communities they serve, it’s essential to the mission of the company to give back throughout Middle Tennessee. 

Explore some of the recent efforts of United Communications and its outstanding employees to give back to the local community.

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

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Law Enforcement Appreciation Day takes place every year on January 9th. It’s a national event that encourages citizens across the country to show their appreciation for the wonderful people who help keep them safe. 

This year, United Communications collaborated with Middle Tennessee Electric to celebrate and thank the brave men and women who dedicate their lives to service. It was important to United that their courage, sacrifice, and commitment be recognized on this national holiday and coordinated visits to thirteen police and sheriff stations across Middle Tennessee. Employees brought goodies and an outpouring of appreciation to these very deserving law enforcement agencies!

Spreading Cheer

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As part of their annual holiday giving, United Communications’ People and Culture team organized a giving drive in December with the company to sponsor holiday gifts for families across Middle Tennessee. The team coordinated voluntary donations from employees during November and December, which United Communications matched to help bring some holiday magic to these families.

For the 2023 holiday season, the incredible generosity of United employees allowed the company to sponsor three families for the holidays, including gifts for the children, clothing for the family, and gift cards for groceries. Their annual adopt-a-family drive represents United Communications’ commitment to serving the local community.

Giving Back Throughout the Year

In any given year at United Communications, there are multiple initiatives employed to give back to the local communities of Middle Tennessee. One of the favorites of United employees is year-round paid time off to volunteer or serve. Many of United Communications’ employees have causes in the local community that they are passionate about and this unique benefit of the company allows extra time to volunteer with the many incredible nonprofit organizations across Middle Tennessee.

More About United Communications 

United Communications is a local internet service provider in Middle Tennessee that provides fast, reliable connections and the highest customer satisfaction ratings. United is dedicated to helping improve their local communities and is constructing thousands of miles of fiber-optic cable lines and rapidly expanding fiber internet connections.

With strategic local partnerships, this leading telecommunications company provides world-class technological solutions to Middle Tennessee through projects like the Affordable Connectivity Program and Project UNITE

Learn more about United Communications and get started with your multi-gig fiber connection today!

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