Two New Planet Fitness Studios Newly Opened


Two new Planet Fitness studios recently opened in Rutherford County – one in Murfreesboro and one in La Vergne. Both locations celebrated with a ribbon cutting ceremony in late March.

Planet Fitness is all about motivating everyone to meet their health goals. Planet Fitness members enjoy unlimited access to their home club and the support of knowledgeable staff anytime. PF Black Card® members receive additional benefits, including the ability to bring a guest for free and access to any of 1,700+ PF locations. Also, as a PF member, you can take advantage of free fitness training. Planet Fitness prides themselves on their “no judgment” tagline, meaning they strive to create an environment where you can relax, go at your own pace, and do your own thing without ever having to worry about being judged.
Newsweek recently ranked Planet Fitness as #1 in customer service among fitness clubs

The new Murfreesboro Planet Fitness is located at 3060 S. Church Street. They celebrated their ribbon cutting on March 28, 2019.

The new La Vergne Planet Fitness is located at 5185 Murfreesboro Road (at the corner of Murfreesboro Road and Waldron Road). They celebrated their ribbon cutting on March 27, 2019.

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