Looking for Something to Stream? Here are Some of the Most Watched Titles this Week – August 22, 2022


Reelgood published its Top 10 Titles in Streaming for this week (08/18/22 to 08/24/22).

Here are some highlights this week. 

  • The House of the Dragon and She-Hulk: Attorney at Law take the top two spots in the ranking, moving Prey to #3.
  • Another prequel performing well among audiences is the horror movie Orphan: First Kill, taking #4 in its premiere week.
  • The Black Phone and Echoes are also new on the list, taking places #8 and #9 in the ranking.

Here are the top ten titles this week. 

  1. House of the Dragon – HBO Max
  2. She-Hulk:Attorney at Law – Disney +
  3. Prey – Hulu
  4. Orphan:First Kill – Paramount+
  5. Better Call Saul – AMC+
  6. The Sandman- Netflix
  7. Day Shift – Netflix
  8. The Black Phone – Peacock Premium
  9. Echoes – Netflix
  10. Murders in the Building – Hulu

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