RCS Gives Quick Update on COVID-19 Shutdown


From Rutherford County Schools
James Evans with Rutherford County Schools gives parents a quick update. Today is Thursday, March 19, and we have a quick update for you regarding the COVID-19 shutdown.

 First, we have added an online academic resources section to our website for parents to use with their students.  These resources cover all grade levels. This is completely optional. As we mentioned yesterday,  we are not requiring assignments of students during this shutdown because not all students have equal access or they need additional services which cannot be offered at home. The online resources are excellent and can be found at www.rcschools.net

Also, please note that there is schedule change next week for the free food program. Beginning Monday, March 23 through Friday, March 27, Rutherford County Schools will serve sack meals that include both breakfast and lunch. The sack meals will be available every day next week for pickup at any of the same 10 county schools from 8 to 10 a.m.
We will continue to keep parents updated as the community addresses the COVID-19 situation. Have a good evening with your family. 

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