Smyrna Proposes Flood Mitigation Project


The Town of Smyrna proposes to purchase drainage easements, expand and install new storm water detention ponds, and install a storm water conveyance system to help alleviate localized flooding. A dye trace study was conducted on certain sinkholes to determine storm water discharge locations to riverine systems. A hydraulic and hydrologic study was conducted for these residential and commercial areas, known for repeated flooding, that are located within topographically depressed areas that discharge storm water to these sinkholes. This project is designed to help eliminate localized flooding within these areas.

Once the project is complete, the Town will take ownership and responsibility for post-construction maintenance and inspections. Installing a storm water conveyance system and expanding existing and installing new storm water detention systems is the only permanent solution to mitigate the risk of imminent danger of flooding.

As appropriated by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 20187 (Public Law 115-141; the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant Program provides resources to assist states, tribal governments, territories and local communities in their efforts to reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings and structures insurable under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended.

The FMA Grant Program was created as part of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act (NFIRA) of 1994 with the goal of reducing or eliminating claims under the NFIP. Consistent with Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (Public 112-141), the FMA Grant Program is focused on mitigating repetitive loss (RL) properties and sever repetitive loss (SRL) properties.

Project Location: 
Maple Street, Maple Manor Trailer Court, Redberry Road, Soccer Way, College Street, Front Street, and Hazelwood Drive.

Public Comments
Any individual, group, or agency disagreeing with the proposed project and is wishing to comment on these projects may submit written comment to Town of Smyrna Storm Water Department. All comments received by January 31, 2019 will be reviewed by Town of Smyrna and forwarded to the State of Tennessee and FEMA.

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