Who’s Stealing Wisconsin’s Cheese?


In one of the cheesiest stories in the past week, someone is stealing Wisconsin’s pride and joy: their cheese.

In two separate incidents last week over 160,000 pounds of cheese have been stolen in two separate incidents.

  • Wisconsin police said a semi-trailer packed with $70,000 worth of cheese product was stolen early Friday morning, less than a week after a similar cheese theft. The Germantown Police Department said on its Facebook page that the trailer was found about 10 hours after it disappeared – but the cheese was gone.
  • A week before less than 200 miles away: “Approximately $90,000 worth of parmesan cheese was missing from a logistics or storage facility here in Marshfield,” Marshfield Police Lt. Darren Larson toldCBS58.

The cheese was sealed inside the truck, and when the bandits opened the truck, they broke the seal, rendering the cheese unlawful for sale, according to federal law, CBS58 reported.

But there are many questions left unanswered: What kind of cheese was stolen in the Germantown incident? Is this a prank? Is someone planning an elaborate Super Bowl Party? Will this cause a price rise in Velveeta? Does someone that steals 160,000 pounds of cheese care about federal law? How are Italian restaurants impacted by the loss of so much Parmesan? Who’s the rat that took the cheese?

We’ll give you all the cheesy details as they develop.

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