Wild Birds Unlimited: Helping You Create Safe Habitats for Backyard Birds & Wildlife

Wild Birds Unlimited Murfreesboro

A little house on Bransford Avenue in Nashville was for many years the only Wild Birds Unlimited location in the area. They carried more than just bird feeders and bird food, they also carried items like bird baths, as well as yard décor. Now, all of these items and more are available at a new Wild Birds Unlimited store in Murfreesboro.

Owners Jeff and Joann Royer opened Wild Birds Unlimited in The Avenue Murfreesboro next to Dicks’ Sporting Goods in early summer and had a grand opening in August.

“It was a fantastic celebration starting with a ribbon cutting, a native plant talk, continuing with magnificent live music and ending with phenomenal presentations on master predators of the sky,” the Royers said on their Murfreesboro Wild Birds Unlimited Facebook page.

Wild Birds Unlimited Murfreesboro owners know that their customers care about creating a safe and friendly habitat for the birds and other wildlife in their backyards, so now they are offering even more. They are now providing everything their customers need to have their natural space be a part of the National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat Program.

“Certify your space,” states their website, “and enjoy watching your corner of nature come to life! Now there’s a way to show your commitment [to nature] by turning your yard, balcony, garden or other landscape into a space which provides everything [birds and other animals] need to thrive.”

Another focus of the organization is pollinators. Bees are very important to food supplies, and Wild Birds Unlimited is doing what they can to help sustain a healthy environment that supports pollinator survival and flourishing. They are asking customers to help with this project by creating pollinator friendly environments in their yards.

“Landscaping with native flowering plants is the best way to supply pollinators with nectar, pollen, and homes,” the company explains on their Facebook page. “In-turn, the native pollinating insects make a great food resource for the birds around your home.”

A backyard can also become a place for kids to learn. Wild Bird Unlimited showed this by getting involved with a kid’s program at the Wilderness Station at Barfield Crescent Park, such as their Birds of Prey educational program that provided participants with lots of great information and fun facts about Huckleberry the Screech owl, Scarlet the Red-tailed hawk and Rada the American kestrel.

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