Is It Time For In Home Care? Learn the Top Five Signs Care is Needed


We speak to families every day who have put off important conversations surrounding aging-in-place and the need for supportive care. Making decisions about care can be a fraught topic for families. This often leads to putting off the discussion until there is a crisis of care. We want to help you avoid the stress and overwhelm that accompanies a care crisis.

Our caregiving experts have compiled a list of the top five signs that care is needed. Awareness of these common warning signs will help you make timely and informed decisions about care needs.

Top Five Signs It’s Time to Explore In-Home Care

Falls, Fender benders, and Fear: Have they fallen recently? How long did it take for someone to respond to help? Are they having difficulty driving, or worse, car accidents? Do they seem suddenly much more fearful of living alone?
Slow to Recover from Illness: Did a cold turn into bronchitis because they didn’t seek medical care when they needed it?
A Chronic Health Condition Has Worsened: Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, COPD, heart disease, and more tend to worsen as we age.
Signs They Are Struggling With Activities of Daily Life: It is difficult for them to bathe, dress, cook, or run errands alone.
Their Doctor/Nurse/Medical Professional Suggested It: If a medical professional has suggested that you or your loved one needs extra support at home, it is essential to take this recommendation seriously.

finding the right caregiverConcrete Examples It’s Time to Take Action

⦁ The home is cluttered, chaotic even. Spills are not cleaned up, and the laundry basket is overflowing.
⦁ Leaving home to see friends or attend religious services has diminished noticeably or stopped.
⦁ They have lost or gained a noticeable amount of weight.
You have noticed body odor or dirty clothes when they were known for being fastidious about their appearance and now appear unkempt.
⦁ Their emotional state is increasingly anxious and lonely.
⦁ Food in the kitchen is well past its expiration date. There are several unopened boxes of the same items, for instance, seven boxes of the same cereal.
⦁ You’ve seen signs of small fires like burned potholders and singed knobs on the stove.
⦁ Piles of bills scattered throughout the home, many unopened. Late payment notices are becoming frequent.
⦁ Abandoned hobbies. An avid reader is no longer checking out library books.
⦁ You notice an increase in unexplained injuries like cuts, bruises, and scrapes.
⦁ Signs of neglected plants or overfed/underfed pets.
⦁ You, the family caregiver, feels exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated. (Your quality of life is important too!)

From Signs to Solutions: Next Steps

Even if you still aren’t sure that NOW is the time to begin in-home care, we encourage you to take advantage of our complimentary in-home consultation. Families find this service invaluable because it offers a complete picture of what our holistic approach to home care looks like. Call our care professionals today: 615-422-7549

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