How to Start a Vegetable Garden


Gardening is one of those things that takes time and attention, however, the results are stunning if you are growing flowers and tasty if you prefer growing vegetables.

To start your own vegetable garden, the experts say that raised beds are the way to go. They are simple to build, and they offer some protection from wildlife. Instructions can be found at How to Build a Raised Bed Cheap and Easy. Also, with raised beds you do not have to re-till the soil every year, which takes time and special equipment.

Before you build a bed, you need to look for the most advantageous place. The bed needs to be someplace where you see it every day so you will tend to it, and where it will get six hours of sun, according to Miracle Grow. And it needs to be close to your garden hose so you can water daily in the summer heat. Friends who are avid gardeners are always good resources for helping you find the right spot.

Chanda, who grows a garden every year, suggests starting with something simple, like tomatoes. Also, tomatoes can be grown in a container on a patio as long as there is good sunlight. Herbs are another pretty easy plant to start with, especially basil and mint. However, mint should always be grown in a container, as it spreads like wildfire and takes over the garden.

Make sure that you pick the correct type of plant for this area. Plants are hardy by zone. Rutherford County is Zone 7a. Zones have to do with frost dates and growing seasons. In Middle Tennessee, the last frost usually occurs on April 1, and the first frost is around October 31. This gives 213 average growing days.

Tomatoes, peppers, squash and beans are usually in Chanda’s garden, and in the garden of her friend and fellow garden guru, Crystal. They have also experimented with cucumbers and lettuce. Farmers who offer lettuce pots for sale in the spring at local outdoor markets swear that it is easy to grow, just keep harvesting it. Chanda has had mixed results. They have also both grown pumpkins.

Do be aware that deer, rabbits, and bugs are problems, but local gardening stores like Southbranch Nursery and Martin’s Home and Garden (both in Murfreesboro) can help you with ways to keep the pests out without using pesticides. Also, there are various blights that come up. Again, Southbranch has great organic resources for fighting back disease.

Both Southbranch and Martin’s carry a vast assortment of tomato plants, pepper, beans, and herbs through the summer. Although, the best time to plant is after that last frost.

Once the garden is planted, add mulch to keep moisture in. It also helps to contain weeds. Daily care is what is most important once everything is planted, this means watering, feeding with the appropriate plant food, weeding, and guarding against critters and disease. And then, make sure to pick the fruits of your success and use them in your cooking. Many vegetables can also be canned for use during the winter.

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