Yelp Sends Love Murfreesboro’s Way


If you’ve been down to the square in the last week, you’ve undoubtedly seen the “#Murfreesboro Loves” signs in store front windows. The signs represent a community action against hate in light of last weekend’s cancelled pro-tests.

This weekend, with things being back to business, the Murfreesboro Loves organization has dedicated Saturday, November 4, from 10 AM to 6 PM, as “Explore and Support Downtown Businesses” Day. A day where the organization says,

“We want to show these businesses that we appreciate and support them and that we stand with them. Go eat, shop, get a haircut, have ice cream, and get to know these businesses.”

Surrounding areas are also sending love Murfreesboro’s way. In a post from the local Yelp of Nashville on November 1, they encouraged people to visit Murfreesboro’s square over the weekend.

‘In light of so many shops—and citizens—having had their lives interrupted last weekend, folks throughout Middle Tennessee are heading to the jewel of Rutherford County for some retail therapy. We approve. We also know shopping makes you hungry, thus the helpful hints. This one’s for you, ‘boro.’


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