Keep, Toss, or Sell- Keys To Downsizing


two men and a truck

Keep, toss, or sell? That is the ultimate question when it comes to downsizing during a move. One of the main struggles for someone is parting ways with personal items, whether they have been used in years or not. Don’t let the panic set in a few weeks before your moving day! Go ahead and begin the downsizing process to save time and stress for the things that truly matter.

As you start the process, it is best to organize one room at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed, especially if you are a sentimental person. As you begin assessing and sorting through your household items, keep those three categories in mind: Keep it, toss it, or sell it.

Questions to ask yourself

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® has come up with a few questions to help make your downsizing plans go as smoothly as possible. As you are going through your items stored away, ask yourself these simple questions:
 Does it have sentimental Value?
 Have I used or worn it in the past year?
 Is it broken?
 Do I own more than one of these?
Having these simple questions to think about should give some guideline when you are sorting through items. How you answer these questions should give you a better idea of what the next step will be for that particular item: Keep, toss, or sell. Remember, if you find yourself keeping items “Just in case,” it is a good indication that it should be thrown away or donated.

Measure your furniture

If you are moving to a new home, it may be smart to measure your furniture or even create a mock setup of your new rooms before the move. There is nothing worse than losing the excitement of moving from furniture that doesn’t fit properly. Measuring the items can help you determine if you need knew furniture and do away with the old. You can create a mock set up be using the furniture and dimensions of the new room. Mark removable spots on the floor or walls to create an idea of the new living space.
If you find yourself doing away with a great amount of household goods, you may consider holding a yard sale. It is always nice to have some extra cash when you are moving into a new home, and it may create an incentive for you to downsize a little easier.

Get an objective opinion

When in doubt, always get a second opinion. You may be holding on to a pair of shoes that needed to be thrown away years ago. If you are an extra sentimental person, you may need a little help with the downsizing process. Consider hiring a professional organizer who can help you decide what you really need to keep and what you could eliminate or give to charity.

At TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® we realize moving needs are unique for every customer, so we’re ready to customize a move to ensure the best moving experience. Our uniformed movers and drivers participate in extensive training; they are permanent employees and undergo background checks and drug testing. They are committed to exceeding expectations and ensuring your move is completed efficiently to keep your moving costs affordable.

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® is the first and largest franchised moving company in the United States. Let us help move you forward! For additional tips and information on moving or packing services, check out our website at or like us on Facebook

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