Murfreesboro Art League Hosts Plein Air Paint-Out and Cowboy Gathering


This Saturday, enjoy an afternoon of live outdoor painting (also known as plein air painting.)

On October 6, painters will set upt to paint throughout Cannonsburgh Historic Village near downtown Murfreesboro.

The public is invited to stroll throughout the village watch the artists paint, view the buildings and sights, and more! On Saturday evening, after the Farmer and Adele concert, there will be a “wet paint” art sale and artists’ reception. The artists will compete for ribbons and cash prizes, judged by artist Gayle Levee.

In addition to the painting, enjoy food and craft vendors, cowboy reenactments, and a concert by Farmer and Adele.

WHERE: Cannonsburgh Village|312 S. Front St, Murfreesboro |

WHEN: Saturday, Oct 6, 8:30am – 8pm

ADMISSION: $10 public event/concert


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