Nine Officers Complete Basic Police Training


The Murfreesboro Police Department is pleased to announce the graduation of nine police officers from the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Academy. Officers Corey Didier, Chris Dinaso, Valero Henriquez, Alhafiz Karteron, Barbara King, Stephen Oliver, Matthew Rice, Haley Richards, Ray Worden, and Eric Daniels successfully completed the twelve week Basic Police School. These officers will now be assigned to Field Training Officers where they will complete the 15 week Field Training and Evaluation Program.

Officer Ray Worden was awarded the “Outstanding Officer Award”. This award is presented to the officer that has the highest overall scores in academics, firearms, vehicle operation, physical fitness, and defensive tactics.
“I am proud of these officers and of their accomplishments. We look forward to the officers finishing their training and I wish them a long and safe career,” said Chief of Police Karl Durr. “Congratulations to Officer Worden for receiving the ‘Outstanding Officer Award’. It is clear that he excelled in all aspects of training. I look forward to his dedication, and that of the other recruit officers, as they return to serve the City of Murfreesboro.”

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