All commercial solicitors wanting to go door-to-door in La Vergne are required to get both a permit and ID badge to comply with an ordinance that was implemented in November of 2020. The ordinance also allows residents to sign up for a ‘No Knock’ list that will prevent commercial solicitors from visiting their home.
Citizens are able to get a “No Solicitation” sticker for their property which applies to all commercial and non-commercial solicitors. These are free and available for pick up at City Hall. Citizens are also able to sign up for the “No Knock” list, which is available for download by commercial solicitors and updated monthly. You can sign-up for the No Knock Registry at
While the “No Knock” registry only prohibits commercial solicitation, it does allow for non-commercial solicitation. Residents can participate in one, both or neither of these options depending on personal preference.
If you have already submitted your address for the No Knock Registry, you do not have to sign up again. You can download the list to check and see if your address is already shown.
To report a solicitation ordinance violation, call the non-emergency police number, 615-793-7744. More information is available at
Anyone who engages in door-to-door solicitation to hand out fliers or sell products or services is considered a commercial solicitor. Newspapers or other editorial publications are exempt under the First Amendment. A non-commercial solicitor is anyone who goes door-to-door representing a religious organization, charity, non-profit group, or political campaign.
All commercial soliciting companies must apply for a permit that costs $250 and is good for up to one (1) year. There is also an ID badge requirement for every solicitor going door-to-door that costs $75 each. All permits are handled by the City Administrator’s office during regular business hours.
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