Mac & cheese sold at Aldi, Dollar Tree recalled for Salmonella


Fourth Street Barbecue Inc./ Packing Division has initiated the voluntary recall of Cheese Club Express Mac & Cheese 4 cup dinner and Double Takes Macaroni & Cheese 2 cup dinner due to possible health risk.  The powdered cheese packets may be impacted by milk powder ingredients recalled by Valley Milk Products, LLC contaminated with Salmonella.

Salmonella, an organism which may cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly adults, and other with weak ened immune systems.  People infected with Salmonella can have some or all of
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious disease, including headache, joint pain, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms.

Product was distributed nationwide through retail stores. No illnesses have been reported to date. However, Fourth Street Barbecue Inc./ Packing Division is initiating the voluntary recall in an abundance of caution to protect public health.

The products being recalled are listed below.

Cheese Club Express Mac & Cheese 4 cup dinner sold to Aldi’s:

UPC Product Best By:
41498171674 Cheese Club Express Mac & Cheese 4 cup dinner 10/18/ 2017
10/21/ 2017
10/22/ 2017

Double Takes Macaroni & Cheese 2 cup dinner sold to Dollar Tree:

UPC Product Best By:
63927701208 Double Takes Macaroni & Cheese 2 cup dinner 10/11/ 17
10/12/ 17
10/13/ 17
10/19/ 17
10/20/ 17
10/24/ 17
11/28/ 17
11/29/ 17
11/30/ 17

No other Fourth Street Barbecue Inc. / Packing Division products are affected by this recall. If consumers find that they have any of these products in their possession, they are asked not to consume the products. Consumers seeking a replacement or refund for recalled products should call CUSTOMER HOTLINE at 724-483-2056, Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EST.

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