MTSU Gets Defensive In Safety Classes


MTSU’s in-demand Rape Aggression Defense classes have a new element of security for safety-conscious women on and around the MTSU campus this fall: free training in aerosol defense.

The MTSU Police Department’s newest five-week session of free RAD classes begins Wednesday, Sept. 7, and runs from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. through Wednesday, Oct. 5. It’s open to all female MTSU students, faculty and staff, along with the general public.

Organizers say that participants must attend all five Wednesday sessions to ensure that their training is complete.

The Rape Aggression Defense System is a comprehensive program of realistic defense tactics and techniques for women that emphasizes awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, and progresses to the basics of hands-on defense training.

MTSU’s nationally certified RAD instructors have recently been certified to teach RAD System Aerosol Defense Options, which means class participants also will learn about:
carrying pepper spray and other aerosol self-defense variants;
what to look for when purchasing a self-defense spray; and
how to use it for protection.
“This is another great facet of personal safety training for our RAD class members to have at their disposal,” said MTSU Police Detective Kyle Thompson, one of the department’s RAD course instructors.

“Even if they choose not to use self-defense spray, it’s another tool in their arsenal and they’ll know how to keep themselves safer around it.”

The Rape Aggression Defense program is designed for women age 13 and older with no previous experience or background in physical skills training. Instructors will help accommodate any physical impairment a participant may have.

Class size is very limited for this new fall course, so the MTSU Police Department is encouraging interested parties to enroll as soon as possible.

Participants should email their names and contact information to [email protected]. Instructors will call or email participants with more details about enrollment and the class location.

For more information about MTSU’s RAD classes, email [email protected].

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