Fast Food Friday for May 3


Fast Food Friday for May 3, 2019, is a bi-weekly food feature about fast food including local and national chains. We try to find the latest limited menu items and promotions happening in the Middle Tennessee area.

White Castle Western BBQ Bash

White Castle brings the BBQ this summer with 3 BBQ sliders with the BBQ brisket, BBQ original, and the BBQ impossible slider.

BBQ Bash - White Castle

Wendy’s New Frosty Cookie Sundae

They took their legendary Frosty, added chocolate chunk cookie bites and drizzled Ghirardelli® chocolate sauce all over it.

wendys cookie sundae

The Avengers in Happy Meals

The Avengers are now in every McDonald’s Happy Meal for a limited time.

mcdonalds avengers happy meals

Hardee’s Brings Back Original Roast Beef Sandwich

For a limited time, Hardee’s brings back their original roast beef sandwich with their 2 for $5 deal.

hardee's roast beef

Watermelon Candy Freeze at Taco Bell

The annual return of the Watermelon Freeze feels so right. A frosty, freeze-y watermelon drink with candy seeds that won’t sprout a watermelon patch in your stomach (really, go on and eat ‘em)—it’s something that goes great with the sweetness of summer months.

Watermelon Freeze - Only at Taco Bell®

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