Operation Warm PAWS Launches In County


Just in time for winter, Operation Warm PAWS is up and running and ready to help the 4 legged friends of Rutherford County.  According to their Facebook page which launched today:

The temperatures are dropping to all time lows in Rutherford County, TN, and animals outside are freezing to death.

This page is made of volunteers currently looking to supply animals in Rutherford County, TN. with dog houses, food, water/warming bowls, sweaters and straw to help them survive the inclement weather.

Operation Warm Paws is currently looking for dog houses, dog jackets (not the cloth kind), dog food, heated water bowls, and help to deliver items. If you’d like to donate any of the following items, please email us at [email protected] to arrange pick up.

If you are a buisness who would like to be a drop off point, please let us know.

While we work to make the harsh winter easier on outside pets, if you have a friend/neighbor who leaves their animals outside, PLEASE talk to them about bringing their animal in. We have a ton of crates we can loan to get them in our of the cold.

Please do not let potential hurt feelings get in the way of an animals safety!!! Any reporting individual information will be kept confidential.

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