Food trucks have become a popular choice of budding chefs across the country. And while food trucks bring commerce to Murfreesboro, the City has seen the need to regulate how these food trucks operate as their popularity has grown. On Monday, August 15th , the Mayor and the City will hold two public meetings to address these very issues with food service professionals and the general public. The meetings will be held from 8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. and 5:00-7:00 p.m. The reason for two public meetings , according to a statement from Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland, is to accommodate food service professionals.
A look at the proposed amendments to the current code is to define who can operate, when they can operate, and where. Also, defining different permits needed, and penalties for those that don’t permit or operate properly.
Highlights include:
Definition Of Various Food Trucks:
(A) Canteen Trucks are vehicles that operate to provide food services to employees at a location where access to other good service is impractical (e.g., a construction site); from which the operator vends fruits, vegetables, pre-cooked foods such as hot dogs, pre-packaged foods, and pre-packaged drinks that require no preparation or assembly of foods or beverages except for the heating of pre-cooked foods; which operate at a location for a period not longer than 1.5 hours; and which do not advertise in any form to the general public except by virtue of signage on the vehicle. Canteen Trucks that operate other than as defined herein are Food Trucks and must comply with all Food Truck regulations.
(B) Food Trucks are vehicles from which the operator cooks, prepares, or assembles food items (including products sold by Canteen Trucks and Ice Cream Trucks) with the intent to sell such items to the general public and which may market their products to the public via advertising, including social media.
(C) Food Truck Rallies are coordinated and advertised gatherings of more than two Food Trucks in one location on a date certain with the intent to serve the public.
(D) Ice Cream Trucks are vehicles from which the operator vends only pre-packaged frozen dairy or frozen water-based food products, soft serve, or hand-dipped frozen dairy products or frozen water-based food products, and pre-packaged beverages.
(E)Mobile Food Service Vehicle means a Food Truck, a Canteen Truck, or an Ice Cream Truck and includes any other portable unit that is attached to a motorized vehicle and that is intended for use or in service to the operations of the Mobile Food Service Vehicle.
Food Truck Operations
(4) Restroom Facility. Food Trucks operating at a location for a duration of more than three (3) hours must have a written agreement, available upon request by the City, that permits employees to have access to a flushable restroom no more than 150 feet of the vending location during all the hours of operation.
(5) Hours of Operation. Food Trucks may operate after 7:00 a.m. and before 11:00 p.m. unless otherwise restricted by its Mobile Food Service Permit. The City may permit extended hours of operation for a Food Truck Rally.
To see the complete proposal click here .
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