OBITUARY: Jason Scott Porterfield


Jason Scott Porterfield passed away at his home on Monday, October 5th, 2020. Jason was a beloved son, brother, grandson, father and friend. He was a skilled guitar and banjo player, songwriter, chef, skateboarder, and builder, among too many other things to list. He loved his children, his family, music, perfecting his barbecue recipes, his pets, his friends, watching Old Westerns, camping, good naps, trading and collecting guitars and musical gear. Jason ran a successful construction company with his father, Scott Porterfield. He was passionate about creating beautiful things.

Jason was born on April 23, 1982, in Murfreesboro, TN. He is survived by his three children, Adelyn Porterfield, 10, Waylon Porterfield, 5, and Jackson Porterfield, 5; his father and mother, Scott and Gayle Porterfield; his sister, Erin Porterfield; his grandparents, James and Barbara Jean; and an extended family of aunts, cousins, and innumerable friends and loved ones that he treated like family. Jason is preceded in death by his grandparents, Watkin and Elizabeth Porterfield. The loss of his life is insurmountable. But the memories he leaves behind – every laugh, every connection, every single person who was lucky enough to know him and feel his light – will live on forever.

A memorial for Jason will be held on Sunday, November 1, 2020 (3:00 pm-6:00 pm) at Sinking Creek Farm, Murfreesboro, TN. In lieu of flowers, bring memories.

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