Two Rutherford County Towns Rank Safest In State Top 25


According to , two Rutherford County towns rank in the Top 25 as safest in the State of Tennessee. La Vergne comes in at #18, and tops for Rutherford County is Smyrna at #12.

Our list was compiled based on FBI violent crime stats and proprietary research data. Rates are normalized per 100,000 residents with the state average being 608 for violent crime and 3,061 for property crime. This is calculated by taking (# of crimes/population) * 100,000.–

Smyrna #12 Safest :

A town in Rutherford County, Smyrna is home to 43,000 residents. The town sits along the shores of Percy Priest Lake and is the site of a Nissan Motors plant, which employs around 6,000 workers. The violent crime rate in Smyrna is 256.8, and the chance of being involved in a property crime here is 2.3%.

La Vergne #18 Safest :

A city in Rutherford County, La Vergne is home to 34,000 residents. Considered a suburb of Nashville, the community is the site of just one of the two U.S. printing plants for Lightning Source as well as the largest subdivision of homes in the state. The violent crime rate here is 466.4, and the chance of being involved in a property crime in La Vergne is 1.6%.

For the complete state list click here.


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  1. Rutherford county may be safe unless you are a 6-10 year old boy sitting I. Their class rooms trying to learn

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