Discover the musical story of Tennessee from the ones who are writing it. Songwriters can sign up now to participate in qualifying rounds across the state as part of Tennessee Songwriters Week, a celebration of the statewide craft that put Tennessee on the map. For more information on how to sign up, visit tnsongwritersweek.com. Sign up information is located under each venue.
Helmed by the Tennessee Department of Tourist Development, Tennessee Songwriters Week was established in 2019 to support music venues, celebrate songwriters with live performances in all genres of music, drive visitation and inspire travelers to experience the state’s music stories, history, attraction and venues.
During the first two weeks of Feb. 2023, more than 50 music venues are hosting qualifying rounds across the state, from Memphis to Northeast Tennessee. Songwriters chosen to advance from the qualifying rounds will perform at one of seven pre-determined showcase events:
Monday, Feb. 20, 2023 – The Bijou in Knoxville
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023 – Songbirds Foundation in Chattanooga
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023 – Lafayette’s Music Room in Memphis
Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2023 – Ole Red in Gatlinburg
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 – The Franklin Theatre in Franklin
Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 – The Down Home in Johnson City
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2023 – The Palace Theatre in Gallatin
Seven finalists, one from each showcase, will win the opportunity to perform at Nashville’s historic Bluebird Cafe during a private event with music industry professionals. Finalists also win a branded commemorative Taylor guitar, a two-night hotel stay in Nashville, $100 gift card for travel and one-year membership to Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI)
Local judges within the songwriting community will consider lyric originality, performance and connection the audience. The Tennessee Department of Tourist Development partners with The Bluebird Cafe, NSAI, Taylor Guitars, music venues and local convention and visitors’ bureaus, chambers and partners across the state, all committed to make sure songwriters can share their original work onstage with other writers.
Follow the journey of these songwriters and join the fun by following @tnvacation on social media and #tnsongwritersweek.
Tennessee Songwriters Week is a state law, designating the last full week of February each year as Tennessee Songwriters Week. Check out the official sweepstakes rules of the competition and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Tennessee celebrates all genres of music— delivering an unparalleled experience of beauty, history and family adventure, infused with music that creates a vacation that is the “Soundtrack of America. Made in Tennessee.” Explore more at tnvacation.com and join other Tennessee travelers by following “TNVacation” on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube and “Tennessee” on Snapchat.
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