The St. Clair Street Senior Center, located at 325 Saint Clair Street, will celebrate its Grand Reopening, Friday, July 28, 2017, following an eight-month renovation. Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland will provide remarks at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to be held at 2 p.m. with tours to follow.
The remodeled Senior Center received a $2.3 million facelift, including a new HVAC system, interior lighting, new furniture, exercise center and networking lounge.
Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability Executive Director Jim Shuman has toured the remodeled facility and recorded a message for the ceremony. Past Senior Center Commission Chairman Jim Getzinger and New Chairman Mark Nobles will host the ceremony. Long-range Planning Committee Chairman Pettus Read and other Commission members will also be on hand for the event.
“We are delighted to get back into our familiar surroundings at the Senior Center,” said St. Clair Street Senior Center Director Connie Rigsby. “Renovation to the heating and air conditioning system, a new coat of paint, newly installed lighting and flooring and new furniture make the renovated building seem like new.”
Due to renovation, the facility was closed in mid-October 2016 until mid-May 2017. Programs were moved to Patterson Park Community Center. On May 4, Senior Center staff delivered the last day of programming at Patterson and temporarily relocated to the Westbrook Towers Community Room, offering limited services, including travel reservations, beginning May 11 on Thursday’s and Friday’s until the renovated St. Clair Street Center could be completed and reopened for business.
“We have revamped our programming offered at the Senior Center to coincide with the opening of the newly-renovated facility,” added Rigsby. “Tried and true programs are returning but with a little facelift including additional classes and time availabilities.”
One of the newly-offered programs is training on the newest technologies and applications in Social Media. Jennifer Dancu, a former teacher and owner of Social Media 4 Seniors, will offer a wide range of classes for using smart phones, tablets, laptops and social media.
New media equipment has been installed to provide enhanced presentations. New exercise equipment adds to the expansion of the seniors’ physical fitness programs.
A new rewards program, S.U.S.U., Sign-UP Show Up, gives participants a chance to win promotional items for attending events. S.U.S.U. is an idea developed by the Senior Center Programming Committee to help increase participation through a fun way of encouraging seniors to attend.
“We want to especially thank the Patterson Park Community Center team and Director Russell Smith who has made our time away from the Center as pleasant as it could be under the circumstances,” added Rigsby. “We also want to thank Debbie Willis and her team for handling the move. We appreciate all the time and effort each team member has contributed to the renovation plan.”
St. Clair Street Senior Center is creating a better quality of life for residents of Murfreesboro and Rutherford County who are sixty years of age or older, through lifelong learning, promotion of health and well-being, socialization, and volunteer opportunities.
The Grand Reopening ceremony will begin at 2:00 p.m. and light refreshments and tours start at 2:30 p.m. Seniors are invited to tour and sign-up to be a new participant on the day of the Grand reopening. Tours are also available during general operation hours, Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:30 p.m. or Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Due to limited parking and large number of expected guests, the Senior Center will be offering shuttle service beginning at 1:15 p.m. from the Memorial Village Shopping Center to the Senior Center. Pick-up will be available at the balloons near Cicis Pizza.
To learn more about St. Clair Street Senior Center, visit http://www.murfreesborotn.gov/Index.aspx?NID=253 or call 615-848-2550. The St. Clair Street Senior Center is located at 325 St. Clair Street, Murfreesboro, TN 37130.
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