A one car accident this past Saturday killed one and injured two passengers near the Triune-College Grove exit at mile marker 42.
According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol accident report, Murfreesboro’s Octavius Lee, 20, was traveling eastbound on Interstate 840 in his four-door Saturn on Jan. 14 around 4:15 p.m.
While driving, the car went off the roadway on the left side of the interstate into the median. He then overcorrected and came back across the interstate. The report – investigated by Officer David Green – stated the car crossed over both lanes before it stopped nose first in a rock ditch.
The male passenger sitting behind the driver was ejected, while the other two passengers remained in the vehicle during the accident. Emergency personnel transported the other two passengers to Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Authorities found the 19-year-old passenger evicted from the car dead on the scene. He wasn’t wearing a seat belt, which would have made a difference, the report stated.
Two of the passengers were adults, while one was a juvenile. Lee wasn’t injured in the incident.
Green wrote in the report that drugs were detected on the scene, along with a test ordered. Charges in this accident are pending.
Emily West covers Franklin, education, and the state legislature for the Franklin Home Page. Contact her at [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter via @emwest22.
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