Officers Hope to Reduce Traffic Crashes With Operation Highway 231


Teams of law enforcement officers will concentrate on traffic laws Tuesday, January 21 in an effort to reduce traffic crashes on U.S. Highway 231 through Rutherford County.

The Rutherford County Traffic Safety Task Force will conduct Operation U.S. Highway 231 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. with the goal of making the highway safer.

Officers from Murfreesboro Police, the Tennessee Highway Patrol and Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office will watch for motorists who are driving impairing, holding cell phones and driving, failing to wear seat belts and driving recklessly, said Murfreesboro Police Capt. Cary Gensemer who proposed the event.

Task force representatives hope to reduce fatalities and injuries on the highway with the visibility and enforcement.

The Veterans Administration Police may participate through visibility.

“Visibility is so crucial,” Gensemer said.

Officers will provide extra enforcement in the high-crash areas.

Murfreesboro Police will concentrate on U.S. 231 on Church Street and Memorial Boulevard in the city limits.

THP Troopers will enforce the traffic laws on U.S. Highway 231 South (Shelbyville Highway).

Sheriff’s deputies will patrol for driving violations on U.S. Highway 231 North (Lebanon Highway) in the county.

The Rutherford County Traffic Safety Task Force was created last year to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries through enforcement and education.

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