State Route 141 (Hartsville Pike) TDOT Project To Begin Soon


From Lebanon Mayor Rick Bell:

Last week, city officials met with TDOT about the widening and realignment of State Route 141 (Hartsville Pike) in the Lebanon city limits.

The state-funded project will extend State Route 141 north of Lovers Lane to US 70 (East High Street).

The major construction project includes widening the roadway to 5 lanes with bike lanes, sidewalks, and street lighting. State Route 141 will be realigned near Oakdale Drive, down to US 70.

The project is managed by TDOT, with coordinated efforts from the city during construction and a goal of limited impact on residents. State Route 141 is one of Lebanon’s most heavily traveled routes, providing a vital connection from Lebanon to northern communities.

This project will help alleviate congestion on the north side of Lebanon and significantly improve overall safety along the busy highways.

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