Mary Jane Skinner has been named the 2019 La Vergne Citizen of the Year by Mayor Jason Cole.
Ms. Skinner has lived in the City of La Vergne for more than 30 years and in that time has made an enormous impact on the community. Over the years Ms. Skinner has participated in the Rescue Squad, assisted with the local Boy Scouts troops, and volunteered at many city events as well as the Senior Center. She currently serves on several committees and boards including the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, Senior Citizens Advisory Committee and the Stormwater Appeals and Advisory Board.
The City of La Vergne has decided to honor one citizen every year who has contributed to the city in a special way, improved the community, demonstrated outstanding leadership and who has served as a role model for the La Vergne Community.
Mayor Cole said, “Ms. Skinner is a shining example of a lifetime of community service to the city of La Vergne, it’s people and the community as a whole. When looking for someone to step up in the community, you will find Ms. Skinner there every time, ready to help.”
Ms. Skinner was honored by Mayor Cole at the June Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting with a certificate as well as the key to the city.
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