What Is a Barre Workout?


You may have heard about Barre fitness classes, but you may not know exactly what they are or if you are even interested in taking a ballet-inspired fitness class. However, you do not need to be a dancer to enjoy these classes or reap the benefits of this new and effective style of fitness class.

Sure, the moves done in a Barre fitness class resemble the movements of ballerinas, but do not be intimidated if you have never touched a pair of ballet shoes. Barre workouts incorporate Pilates, stretching, strength training, and cardio into a routine with a variety of benefits. Barre workouts can improve your posture, help you lose weight, increase your flexibility, and sculpt your muscles. They can also help you improve confidence and your mind-body connection when working out.

Barre workouts engage your entire body by targeting the arms, core, and legs with versatile, fluid movements. The classes may involve a lot of very concentrated floor work to help build core strength while also toning the muscles in the legs and hips. During a Barre workout, you can expect to work out multiple muscle groups at once, but the movements are so fluid and fun that you may not feel like you are working out. However, the next day, you will definitely feel the burn and know that incredible changes are happening to your body.

Some Barre classes incorporate light hand weights for increased resistance or even intense cardio to add an extra kick of calorie burn. Barre workout moves also allow for many modifications, so no matter your fitness level, Barre workouts are a great choice for anyone looking for more variety in their fitness routine.

“Our BarreWorks classes are fun, challenging and effective for all levels of fitness! It’s a full-body workout that tones you up all over – hips, legs, abs, back and arms. Our members love it because they really see and feel the results. The energy of the class is very uplifting and our instructors are certified, experienced professionals,” said Lisa Kirchner of Franklin, Nashville & Murfreesboro Athletic Clubs.

Barre fitness classes are offered at Franklin, Nashville & Murfreesboro Athletic Clubs., they are included FREE with your membership. Visit http://athleticclubs.org/ to view the group exercise schedule.

About the Franklin/Murfreesboro/Nashville Athletic Clubs
Your full-service hometown health clubs where everybody fits in! Each Club offers a wide range of state of the art equipment, programs, and services to keep you motivated and enable you to reach your personal health and fitness goals.

About the Franklin/Murfreesboro/Nashville Athletic Clubs
Your full-service hometown health clubs where everybody fits in! Each Club offers a wide range of state of the art equipment, programs, and services to keep you motivated and enable you to reach your personal health and fitness goals.

Franklin Athletic Club            Murfreesboro Athletic Club                   Nashville Athletic Club
112 Rand Place, Franklin        710 Memorial Blvd, Murfreesboro     5035 Harding Place, Nashville


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