Murfreesboro Road Construction Projects: Oct 7 – Oct 12


Right Turn Lane Improvement Work (Thompson Ln at Old Fort Pkwy)

Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm: City contractor will be making right turn lane improvements on Thompson Ln at Old Fort Pkwy. There will be lane closures and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Utility Locate Work (Haynes Dr at Sulphur Springs Rd)

Expected Lane Closures: Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm : City traffic signal contractor will be performing underground utility locates at the intersection of Haynes Dr and Sulphur Springs Rd. There will be traffic shifts and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

CSXT Track Repair Work
1) Old Salem Rd at CSX Crossing – October 7 & 8
2) Middle Tennessee Blvd at CSX Crossing/S Church St – October 9 & 10

Expected Road Closures: Monday through Thursday: The railroad crossings at Old Salem Rd and at Middle Tennessee Blvd will be closed to through traffic for track repairs. Appropriate traffic detours and message boards will be in place.

Annual City Street Paving Projects

Expected Lane Closures: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM: City paving contractor will raising castings, milling, pavement repairs, loop cutting and paving and striping on the following streets:
1. Westlawn Blvd between Veterans Pkwy and Shores Rd
2. Armstrong Valley Rd between Veterans Pkwy and south City Limits
3. Thompson Ln between Old Fort Pkwy and Armory Dr (Monday, 8:00 pm – 5:00 am)
4. Thompson Ln at Old Nashville Hwy Overpass (Tuesday, 8:00 pm – 5:00 am)
Expect lane shifts and traffic interruptions. Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

TDOT Resurfacing Projects

SR 99 (New Salem Hwy) resurfacing from Cason Lane to I-24
• Monday September 30 to Friday October 4, 9AM-4PM and 7PM-6AM, There will be alternating lane closures in both directions between the intersection of Athens Ave and the intersection of Stonebrook Drive on SR 99 to excavate and install the new gas lines. One lane will remain open at all times.

The Resurfacing of SR 10 from Tiger Hill to North of Rutherford Blvd
• Nightly, 8PM-5AM, There will be alternating lane closures on SR 10 (S Church St) between Tiger Hill and Rutherford Blvd in both directions for construction activities. One lane will remain open at all times.

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