Revive Us Again: Showcasing New, Vintage & Antique Items


Some people have very loyal customers. Revive Us Again have VERY loyal customers. One lady from Queensland, Australia so loved a lamp that she bought in the store while here on holiday, that she ordered more items over the internet after she returned home.

“She’s going to spend more on postage than what the items cost,” said co-owner Tim Miller. “But we’re going to do what it takes to make her happy and get the items down there.”

Tim and Sherry Miller recently moved their successful Chapel Hill store, Revive Us Again, to Eagleville right next to Crosslin Supply. What makes it different is that they offer a unique collection of new items, vintage, antiques, Dixie Belle chalk paint, home goods, and more.
Unlike standard antique stores, the Millers rent space to 15 different vendors, but not a booth space. It might be a book case, a wall, or a couple of shelves. It allows small crafters, collectors, and pickers to sell their goods without a large investment. And they keep a selection that DIYers can redo. Their process insures that there is a constant flow of new merchandise.

“Our vendors allow us to move stuff around so the store always looks different,” said Tim. “All they have to do is bring it to us, and we take care of the rest. But we have some who come in and teach classes, like the young lady who makes the paint. She teaches furniture painting classes.”

They also carry locally produced items like Lynchburg Candles, Captain Rodney products, and original paintings from artists Kim McCord of Lavergne and Amy Rowell from Chapel Hill.

Leslie Milstead, a customer from their Chapel Hill days, has followed them to Eagleville. She works on theater productions and comes to the store to look for items she can use for costumes and stage settings.

“I find stuff for every show we do,” said Milstead, “except Little Shop of Horrors. They don’t have any man-eating plants.”

What they do have is vintage items that often invoke a sense of place and family, and a bit of nostalgia. “Grandma had one of those” can often be heard in the shop.” Currently their oldest item is a hand-crank washboard.

Lastly, they can prove that books aren’t dead. Especially really old books. Interior designers will buy old encyclopedias to create visually interesting displays in bookcases.

“The oldest book we have had so far is a 1901 algebra book that we sold to a collector,” said Miller. “We have found the older the book, the more the interest.”

As the scripture says, “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?” This was the Miller’s inspiration. Reviving items from the past and allowing new generations to enjoy their uniqueness and beauty.

Revive Us Again
138 North Main Street, Eagleville, Tennessee
Hours: Monday-Saturday 10am-5p
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