Free Holiday Tours of the Governor’s Mansion


Governor and First Lady Haslam will host the 8th annual holiday free open house at the Tennessee Residence December 6 – 16, 2018 located at 882 Curtiswood Lane, Nashville.

This year’s theme will depict ‘Tennessee Tourism,’ showcasing the many successful businesses, attractions and destinations that draw millions of visitors to our state and provide education, entertainment, hospitality and beauty to our citizens throughout the year.

Self-guided tours will be available at the Tennessee Residence during the dates and times indicated on the event sign up page as well as on the website. You must sign up for a tour time to attend the open house. Parking will be provided from a nearby church parking lot at Woodmont Hills Church, 3710 Franklin Rd, Nashville, TN 37204 and guests will be shuttled onto the Tennessee Residence property for tours. Register for the free tour here. 

For assistance registering for a tour or for any questions you may have about Tennessee’s Home for the Holidays, please contact the Office of the First Lady by emailing [email protected] or calling 615-741-7846.

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