Chicken Salad Chick Presents $20K Check to Local Nonprofit


Chicken Salad Chick recently presented Rutherford County nonprofit, The Journey Home. with a $20,030 gift to further the efforts of the nonprofit. During December of last year, Chicken Salad Chicks in the Nashville area sold Giving Cards, which included $60 worth of coupons and an exclusive offer, to guests for $5, with 100 percent of the proceeds benefitting The Journey Home. To signify the donation, many members of the Nashville Chicken Salad Chick team presented a check to the organization on March 2 at
Chicken Salad Chick in Murfreesboro.

“We are so grateful to Chicken Salad Chick for their partnership and investment,” said Roseann Barton, Board Chair for The Journey Home, “this gift will allow The Journey Home to further its mission of helping to rehouse the homeless and disadvantaged and provide for their basic needs.”

Lisbeth Couser, Director of Development for The Journey Home added, “The Journey Home’s services are now more important than ever. As COVID-19 continues to impact families and individuals, The Journey Home is supporting them with housing, food, and other necessary supports.”

The Journey Home is a volunteer led organization relying on more than 1,200 volunteers annually. There are many opportunities for company engagement. Partnerships include a combination of their time, talent and treasure all leading to a better community for everyone. If your company would like more information on becoming a partner, please contact Lisbeth Couser, Director of Development to help rehouse disadvantaged individuals and provide for their basic needs. [email protected]
or call 615-624-4347.

About The Journey Home
The Journey Home is a Christian outreach serving the homeless and disadvantaged of Rutherford County.

Helping to rehouse the disadvantaged and provide meals, showers, toiletries, laundry facilities, clothes closet, mailbox service, public phones, restrooms, assistance with career development, coaching, case management, referrals and many other necessities.

Homelessness is generally the result of interconnected issues related to poverty and a lack of affordable housing. The best and most lasting solutions involve the entire community. The Journey Home provides practical, day to day resources connecting people and engaging them at their point of need through The Journey Home Outreach Center. Transformation happens through sustainable, long-term investment of both the individual and the community at large. Learn more at

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