Murfreesboro’s Kaye Jernigan Becomes First Female Chief Fire Officer in Tennessee


Kaye Jernigan has successfully completed the process that awards the professional designation of “Chief Fire Officer” (CFO). The Commission on Professional Credentialing (CPC) met on July 10, 2018 to confer the designation. Jernigan becomes one of only 1,308 CFOs worldwide and is the first female CFO in Tennessee.

The Designation program is a voluntary program designed to recognize individuals who demonstrate their excellence in seven measured components including experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association membership, community involvement and technical competence. In addition, all applicants are required to identify a future professional development plan.

The CFO designation program uses a comprehensive peer review model to evaluate candidates seeking the credential. The Commission on Professional Credentialing (CPC) awards the designation only after an individual successfully meets all of the organization’s stringent criteria.

Achieving this designation signifies Jernigan’s commitment to her career in the fire and emergency services.

This professional designation is valid for three years. Maintaining the designation requires recipients to show continued growth in the areas of professional development, professional contributions, active association membership and community involvement as well as adhere to a strict code of professional conduct

The Commission on Professional Credentialing, an entity of the Center for Public Safety Excellence, Inc., (CPSE) administers the Designation Program. The CPC consists of individuals from academia, federal and local government, and the fire and emergency medical services profession. To learn more about CPC, visit

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  1. On a Personal note – I need an e-mail of a JERNIGAN from Murfreesboro, Tn. that may help me
    identify some Jernigan pictures I have in my position. Pictures are probably of John Joseph
    Jernigan, born 9-9-1882, died in 1981 at age of 98. Probably taken about 1920. His son
    Ray William Jernigan 1913-1937 was the 1st husband of my mother Mary Payen 1914-2001,
    born in Mascot, Tn., near Knoxville.

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