Director of Schools Dr. Jimmy Sullivan has been named Administrator of the Year for Athletic District 4 as part of the annual A.F. Bridges Sportsmanship Awards sponsored by the Tennessee Secondary Schools Athletic Association.
TSSAA also named Tim Pedigo of Eagleville School as Principal of the Year for Athletic District 4. Additionally, Eagleville School was recognized as a finalist for the Middle Tennessee division’s school-level sportsmanship award.
TSSAA held its regional meetings this week, with the Middle Tennessee contingent gathering at Ensworth School in Nashville Wednesday.
Now in its 25th year, the awards program is named in honor of the TSSAA’s first executive secretary. Bridges served the organization from 1946 until his retirement in 1972. Awards are presented to schools that have shown exemplary sportsmanship and to individuals in the categories of school system administrator, principal, athletic director, male and female coaches, officials and contributors.
A product of Rutherford County Schools, Sullivan became director of schools July 1, 2022. He coached boys’ basketball at Blackman Middle School in Murfreesboro from 2006 until 2011.
Pedigo has been principal of Eagleville since 2020 and is a veteran educator of nearly 20 years.
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