High risk groups such as children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers should avoid consumption of contaminated fish. Because adverse health effects for normal risk groups are considered to be a result of routine and long-term exposure, an infrequent meal of listed fish is not believed to have a measurable health risk.
Health risks can be substantially reduced by taking a few precautions. Big fish tend to have higher concentrations of toxic materials than smaller ones since they are older and have had more time to accumulate them. Many toxic materials are stored in fatty tissues, so when cleaning fish remove and discard the belly flap and fatty strip along the backbone and lateral line. Filleting the fish and removing the skin is also advisable. Broiling, baking, or grilling provides additional risk reduction. These risk reduction suggestions do not reduce health risks related to mercury.
For specific information regarding aquatic contaminants or affected waters, contact your regional TWRA office or the Water Resources Division (Environment and Conservation) office at (615) 532-0625, Water Fish Advisories. – See more at: http://tennessee.gov/twra/article/contaminants-in-fish#sthash.kkrypwVC.dpuf
Notable waterways receiving warnings for contaminated fish include: Big Sandy, parts of the Duck River and Buffalo River.The list was updated in January of this year. For a complete list click here.
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