The Smyrna Senior Citizens Center is celebrating 45 years young this year. To celebrate, they will host an Open House on Sunday, May 1st. Please drop by anytime between 1:00pm – 5:00pm. Information will be available on their activities and trips. Refreshments and cookies will be served and they will offer free membership for the month of May.
The Smyrna Senior Citizens Center is a non-profit organization that provides recreational activities for Seniors, age 55 and older. They are not funded by the government, but we do receive funding from grants, fundraising and annual membership dues which are $25.00 per year. The Center was formed in 1971 when several members started meeting at Smyrna First United Methodist Church. Over the years, membership grew and, in 1978, land was leased from the Rutherford County Board of Education near the Old Rock School to build a new facility. The building was constructed by students from Smyrna High School and all materials were furnished by local businesses, churches and individuals. In 1998, after building two additions onto the facility, the property was signed over to the Senior Center from the Board of Education. Today, there are more than 350 members who participate in center activities.
The Center is located behind the Smyrna Library at 100 Raikes Street.
For additional information:
Phone: (615) 459-4839
Website: smyrnaseniorcitizens.com
Facebook: SmyrnaSeniorCitizensCenter.
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