How to Keep it from Happening to You!
Your credit card information is always at risk for theft. You can avoid credit card fraud by taking steps to keep your credit card details safe. Always be wary of scammers who may try to trick you into giving up your credit card details.
1. Keep your credit cards safe.
Avoid credit card fraud by keeping your credit cards safe from thieves. Place your credit cards in a purse or wallet close to your body where it can’t easily be snatched away. Ladies, make sure your purse is zipped. If you’re shopping in a high traffic area, carry a smaller purse. For both men and women, carry only the one or two credit and debit cards you’ll be using that day. Leave all your other credit cards at home.
Thieves can take pictures of your credit card with a camera or cell phone, so don’t leave your credit card exposed any longer than necessary.
After you make a purchase put your credit card away immediately. Confirm you have your credit card back in your possession before you leave the store or restaurant.
2. Shred anything with your credit card number on it.
Don’t toss your credit card billing statements directly into the trash. Shred them to keep dumpster divers from getting their hands on your credit card number. The same thing applies to old credit cards that have expired or been cancelled.
You can go a step further and put the shredded pieces in different trash bags to thwart thieves who might put shredded pages back together.
3. Don’t sign blank credit card receipts.
Always verify the amount on your credit card receipt before signing it. If you get a credit card receipt that has blank spaces in it, write $0 in those spaces or draw through them before putting your signature on the card. Otherwise, the cashier could write in an amount and send the purchase to your credit card issuer.
4. Avoid giving out your credit card information.
Only give out your credit card number or other sensitive information on calls you initiate to customer service using the number on the back of your credit card. Don’t return calls to a phone number left on your answering machine or sent to you in an email.
Don’t give your credit card number to anyone who calls you requesting the number. Credit card thieves have been known to pose as credit card issuers and other businesses to trick you into giving out your credit card number.
5. Be safe with your credit card online.
Don’t click on email links from anyone pretending to be your bank, credit card company, or other business who uses your personal information, even if the email looks legitimate. These links are often phishing scams and the scammers want to trick you into entering your login information on their fake website.
Make sure you’re cautious when you’re using your credit card online. Only enter your credit card number on secure websites that you can be 100% sure are legitimate. To be sure a website is secure, look for https:// in the address bar and lock in the lower right corner of your internet browser. Taking these extra steps will help you avoid credit card fraud.
6. Check gas stations and ATMs for credit card skimmers.
Credit card thieves sometimes place credit card skimming devices onto the credit card readers at gas pumps or ATMs. These skimmers capture and store your credit card information and credit card thieves come back later to get the device. Skimmers are placed over the regular credit card swipe, so if anything looks off about the place you’re swiping your credit card, go to another gas station or ATM.
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