Keeping medical information and contact emergency numbers in your vehicle can help first responders provide treatment when responding to injury crashes, a Rutherford County Sheriff’s deputy said.
The Tennessee Yellow Dot Program gives the first responders immediate emergency medical information, especially when motorists are hurt in a crash, said Deputy Gary Herron, who is coordinating the program for the Sheriff’s Office.
The form contains:
· Emergency contacts.
· Medical conditions and recent surgeries.
· Allergies.
· Hospital preferences.
· Current medications.
· Insurance.
· Physicians.
The form also lists if the person wears contacts and if they have a do not resuscitate order.
This information and a photo of the person are stored in a yellow folder in the glove compartment of the car. Also, the person will attach a yellow dot decal to the driver’s side rear window to let first responders know the information is available.
First responders will have all of their information available, especially when someone is unable to talk.
“If you are in an emergency situation, the first responders have the primary contact, doctor and mediations,” Herron said. “We don’t keep this information.”
Joining the Yellow Dot Program is free. The program is sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
People may obtain the Yellow Dot materials and a photograph by contacting Sgt. Michael Rodgers at 615-904-3097 Monday through Thursdays or email him at [email protected] or Herron at [email protected].
The program is for senior citizens or any driver.
“I think this is a great program,” Rodgers said.
Cutline: Deputies who will help motorists use the Yellow Dot program are, from left, Sgt. Michael Rodgers, coordinator Deputy Gary Herron, Deputy Sean White, Deputy Jerah Richard and Deputy Sean Vinson.
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