A Section of Middle Tennessee Boulevard from Bell Street to East Main Street near the MTSU campus will be closed to all through traffic beginning Monday, June 6, for approximately three weeks (June 6-June 26) for the ongoing road-improvement project.
The contractor will be installing underground utilities, a new box culvert at the Lytle Street intersection, and grading activities throughout the closed section. East Main Street and Bell Street will remain open during the closure.
Northbound traffic on MT Boulevard will be detoured onto East Main Street/Rutherford Boulevard and southbound traffic will be detoured onto Greenland Drive/Highland Avenue (See map for details).
An interactive map on the City of Murfreesboro webpage showing the upcoming traffic pattern changes for MT Boulevard between East Main Street and Greenland Drive is available at Commuters can also follow the “MT Blvd” project on Twitter @MTBLVD or on the City of Murfreesboro Facebook page at
The $15.7 million improvement project will upgrade the 0.8-mile section of Middle Tennessee Boulevard to a consistent four-lane divided street with a landscaped median between East Main and Greenland Drive. The 30-month project is expected to be completed by the fall of 2018. The enhancement will also include bike lanes, improved sidewalks and lighting, new traffic signals, decorative crosswalks and underground utilities.
Commuters and visitors to the MTSU campus are encouraged to seek alternative campus access from Greenland Drive, Rutherford Boulevard and East Main Street and take advantage of the university’s Raider Xpress shuttle bus service and the MTSU mobile app downloadable at A searchable campus parking map is available at
During the three-week closure, MTSU officials have suggested alternative routes for those needing access to the Sam H. Ingram Boulevard. A map of those routes can be found at
When the MT Boulevard improvement project is completed, the following changes will affect traffic flow along the thoroughfare:
• Traffic flow on Faulkinberry Drive will change to “right turn in, right turn out” onto Middle Tennessee Boulevard.
• A pull-in area for buses will be added to the front of Murphy Center.
• Signalized pedestrian crossings will be added at Lytle and Division streets, and crosswalks at Bell Street and Faulkinberry Drive will be upgraded.
• Brick walls with signage will be erected at the corners of Greenland Drive, and another wall will be added at East Main Street, to better define the university’s boundaries.
• Flagpoles will be erected at Faulkinberry Drive.
For more information on the closure or the MT Boulevard project, contact City of Murfreesboro Engineer Chris Griffith at [email protected] or (615) 801-2552 or project engineer Mike Stacey at (615) 642-3134.
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Weekend Road Closures In Nashville Will Cause Delays
It’s paving season in Tennessee, and this weekend there are two major interstate projects in Nashville that will have a significant impact on weekend travel. Drivers should take note of the following scheduled construction activity on I-65 northbound at Trinity Lane north of downtown Nashville and I-40 eastbound near the west I-40/I-65 split.
* Friday, June 3, 8:00 p.m. – Monday, June 6, 5:00 a.m., I-65 northbound at the Trinity Lane bridge will be reduced to two lanes for bridge deck repair. Drivers should consider Ellington Parkway as an alternative route.
* Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5, 2:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. both days, I-40 eastbound at the Herman Street bridges on the inner loop will be reduced to two lanes for bridge joint repair. Drivers should consider I-440 and Briley Parkway as alternative routes.
Both of these repair projects involve concrete work. There will be a necessary curing time for the new concrete to harden before the lanes are opened to traffic. During this time, there is a possibility that no workers will be present, but the lanes will still be closed. As soon as the concrete reaches the appropriate strength, the lanes will be opened to traffic.
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