The Murfreesboro City Council is currently considering adoption of new regulations in the City Code on food trucks operating within the City limits.
A public stakeholders meeting will be held Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 5 p.m.-6 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 111 West Vine Street, 37130. City Staff and members of the Murfreesboro City Council will be on hand to engage attendees.
“The second draft of the revised ordinance follows two public meetings on August 15 seeking input from food truck operators and restaurant owners,” said Assistant City Manager Jennifer Moody. “We are seeking to balance the flexibility of allowing food trucks within the City limits with regulations necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens.”
The second draft of the revised ordinance is available for review and downloadable from the City of Murfreesboro website at http://www.murfreesborotn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/4286 or look for “draft food truck ordinance” under the “Doing Business” tab on the City’s homepage at www.murfreesborotn.gov.
The revised second draft includes some of the following changes and additions:
• Food Truck Rallies are gatherings of more than four Food Trucks instead of two trucks.
• “City Parks” is included to the public property where Food Trucks may operate.
• Private Property on which Food Trucks may operate has been further defined to “within commercial, office, educational, and industrial zoning districts.”
• Food Trucks may not operate on Unimproved Properties “unless that parcel is paved, has paved ingress and egress, and has on the parcel a principal structure with an operating restroom.”
• Frequency Food Trucks may operate changed to “no more than four days per calendar week at a location” instead of two days.
• Vehicle Requirements Design and Construction revised to emphasize “safety.”
• Right-of-Way restriction requires that “No Mobile Food Service Vehicle may remain in the right-of-way designated as a permitted Food Truck location non-operational and not open to the public for more than two hours.
• Mobile Food Service Permits Application adds “A copy of the Fire Marshall’s inspection report.”
• Food Truck Rallies on public or private property require a Special Event Permit and the exceptions granted under Section 21-63 for special event locations are inapplicable to Food Truck Rallies.”
The proposed food truck ordinance comes in response to growing demand for mobile food vending by customers and operators as well as organizers of special community events. Under the proposed Ordinance 16-0-32, the Murfreesboro City Code, Chapter 13 for Food and Food Products is amended to add six sections regarding Mobile Food Vending. The new regulations define food trucks, locations and hours of operations, operating requirements, mobile food service permits, and food truck rally permits.
A City of Murfreesboro “Food Truck Ordinance” Facebook page has been established to facilitate public awareness and public input on the proposed ordinance. Visit the page at https://www.facebook.com/City-of-Murfreesboro-Food-Truck-Ordinance.
Mobile Food Service application permits were intentionally set low to encourage operators to easily secure the required permits. However, violators found operating without a permit and operators who are “suspended” or “revoked” incur a stiff penalty for Reinstatement.
All related documents and maps regarding the proposed Food Truck Ordinance and Regulations are available on the City webpage, at Food Truck Permits webpage
For City News online, visit www.Murfreesborotn.gov.
Revised Food Truck Ordinance
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