Police Report : Armed Robbery At Student Apartments


Description Of Offense : Aggravated Robbery, Theft Under $1000

On 11/29/2017 at 1417 hours Officer A was dispatched 1540 Lascassas Pike in response to an armed robbery. Upon arrival the officer came in contact with the victim.

The victim stated that at 1330 hours he opened the door of his apartment to go to his girlfriend’s car and a black male was standing there with a gun. At that point, the suspect demanded his money with the gun pointing at the victim. The victim gave the suspect all the money in his wallet then says he was struck in the back of the head with the suspect’s gun. The suspect then demanded that the victim empty his pockets. After this was done the suspect told the victim to leave.

The victim left with his girlfriend via car to the neighborhood across the street and called his mother. While the victim called his mother, his girlfriend drove to the apartment to check to see if the victim’s apartment door was shut and if anything was stolen.

At that point, the victim and his girlfriend left to go to Waffle House.

After Waffle House, the victim and his girlfriend came back to the College Grove apartment office and the office manager called 911 to report the incident.

Names and personal information have been omitted to protect the privacy of our local officers and subjects mentioned in this police report.

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