Polar Bear Plunges Around Middle Tennessee

Polar Plunge Logo from Special Olympics website

A Polar Bear Plunge is jumping into icy cold water, outside, on a chilly winter day, on purpose. These events got started on New Year’s Day in 1904 when a swim club called the L Street Brownies jumped into Dorchester Bay in Boston, Massachusetts. That is why National Polar Bear Plunge Day takes place on January 1, but the events often take place throughout January and February all over the world. 

The concept was not a new one on that freezing cold day in 1904. Scandinavians started popping into frozen waters and swimming about a century earlier for its health benefits. And there are indeed health benefits to plunging into icy cold water. It is described as being “like a shot of adrenaline.” It can help with blood sugar regulation and fat burning. Of course, part of that might be moving quickly to get in and out of the bath of a thousand pins as quickly as possible. 

Seriously, ice baths have been shown in studies to help with Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, which is common in Northern European countries due to the lack of sunlight for months at a time. They can also heal inflammation, support the immune system, lower stress and relieve depression, according to goodrx.com 

Jumping into freezing cold water can also have detrimental effects, especially for those with heart disease because it increases heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. People with any heart issues are asked not to participate in Polar Bear Plunges. 

There are a number of Polar Bear Plunges coming up in the Middle Tennessee area over the next several months for the stout of heart. Some of these plunges are in pools and some are in lakes. 

Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunges can be done as an individual, with a friend or family member, or as part of a team. There are often prizes for costumes and having great spirit. While costumes are fun, it is best to have one that is easily removed upon getting out of the water. 

Getting very wet and cold will be enjoyed more if one comes prepared. Have a warm towel and/or robe and slippers to get into the moment you get out. Have a change of clothing to go home in. And a warm drink after is also a good idea. It heats up the body’s core temperature which took a quick trip down. 

Jump, do not dive. A past participant, then in his teens, at one of these events said that he actually passed out upon hitting the water head first. It was sinking to the bottom of the pool that woke him back up. While it is fun, also be very aware of how your body is reacting to the cold, what people around you are doing, and if there is anyone near you in distress. If there is, make sure to help them out. 

I did a plunge once. My husband took a photo of me mid-jump as my toe hit the water. It looks like I am screaming, which I was, and in pain, which I wasn’t. I spent exactly three minutes in the water. It was about 32 degrees in the water, and 36 degrees when I stepped out of the pool. The four-degree difference almost felt like a heat wave. It was a Bucket List item of mine checked off. Am I glad I did it? Oh, yeah! Will I do it again? Probably not. 

Here are the local Polar Bear Plunges benefitting Special Olympics Tennessee:

January 18, 2025 at River Bluff Park in Ashland City

Cost: $50 to $75

February 8, 2025 at Jimmy Floyd Family Center in Lebanon

Cost: $75 

February 22, 2025 at Nissan Stadium in Nashville

Cost: $50 to $75 

Murfreesboro’s Annual Plunge into Fitness at Sports*Com 

February 1, 2025 at SportsCom in Murfreesboro

Cost: Free 

This new event will include a variety of sampler exercise classes both in their fitness rooms and indoor swimming pool, an outside Fun Run, the cold plunge into the outdoor pool, and plenty of snacks, activities and more.

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